I woke much earlier than I had panned. Slightly frustrated because I was so tired and only on day 2 of 4 nights to work. I laid my head back down to try to sleep a little longer.
As I was drifting off to sleep I rememeber asking, "Can you let me sleep a little longer God?"
All of a sudden I began seeing my dream play out before me...
I was in Africa again, standing on the hospital compound with many others around me. I could see the trucks & guns headed toward our small little town. My spirit jumped up, telling me- be ready, here they come.
I knew within me that these were like-minded people like the attackers in Kenya.
I watched as if it were all in slow motion & remember asking God- what do You want me to do? You have equipped me with training- how do You want me to react? The Israelites sought You in their time of need- and You gave them specific instructions of how to position themselves for peace & for fighting. So- I need to hear Your instructions.
"Pray" was what I heard.
Knowing my earthly parents had become fervent prayer warriors for Christ, I looked down at my phone & texted my dad.
I love you.
As the message was sent- my view began to zoom out and over to my dad.
He was at work- the hustle & bustle of another day dealing with the World's activities. The large room he was in was full of people, computers, monitor screens on the walls & desktops.

I watched him receive my text- his eyes filled with tears like he already knew what was happening in my part of the world. He looked up- dropped to his knees in the middle of this large work room & began to pray. People filling the room all stopped their business & turned their head to him. A few ran up to him & asked what was wrong. He said- "my daughter is in the middle of this war, she needs our prayers. Will you pray with me!" People began dropping to the knees on the spot, praying out-loud & silently, they were weeping.
As the picture zoomed out- I saw every knee dropping to pray within this large room... then in the surrounding workrooms & offices... to the outside of the building... to the streets & other businesses... across states lines... stretching across America, people were dropping to their knees to pray.
I thought- how could this one act begin a wildfire reaction?
Then I remembered then impact of showing vulnerability through allowing others to see your hearts greatest desire- love.
As I woke up, tears were streaming down my face. Oh God! If this begins the wildfire of people surrendering to You- let it be! At whatever the cost!
I was hit with the reality of what was happening outside of my comfortable little world in Lancaster, PA. In America really.
The reality of what I was going to in a month hit me. I felt the Lord asking- "Are you really willing to die for Me?"
The unrest in Africa and other parts of the world is not know to me or many others accept through the media. And that in and of itself is very biased & slightly skewed. But being hit with the reality of what could take place while I was in Africa was very eye opening. It was a heart check.
Would you be willing to die for Christ?
I was on the floor weeping at this point. My thoughts went to those families who were mourning the loss of their loved ones. How their hearts were breaking- it felt as if mine was too.
Then He moved my thoughts to those who were doing the actions. I did not question why or how could they or stop them from killing people, but my heart broke even more for them. Lord- how can we change there minds?
The impact of pray is given such little light because we may not see immediate results. But I know that He hears & remembers each & every prayer. He is answering some of mine that were prayed 20 years ago. He is answer some my parents prayed when they were first pregnant with my brother & I. Just as He heard the prayers of David & Abraham & Jacob & so many more- they are still being answered.
I began praying for the people in Kenya who felt it was their job to remove any followers of Christ. I began to pray for any person who does not know my Jesus.
In my wailing for their lives, I said- YES! YES GOD! I would die for you Jesus! Just don't let my family mourn too long. But that they would rejoice knowing that this is what You created me for. To die believing & trusting & following, never wavering in The One who gave His life so willing for me thousands of years ago.
We forget that Christ warned us of this. God gave us Scripture as a guide & it tells us persecution is coming. Why are we surprised by it?
We live in such an unrealistic world in America, where we have our little lives, going to & fro, setting God in a box, often on the shelf, & only staying within our comfort zones & what pleases us.
As my travailing continued, I said, I am not afraid. Death for the believer is so sweet. To see You face to face finally. But I know it is not time yet. I will go wherever You want me to. I will do whatever You want me to- at whatever the cost, even if it cost me my life. I have yielded everything to You, but I yield my soul- my spirit to You God. I am fully Yours.

My scripture for the day was 1Timothy 6:11-19. A few of the verses caught me...
>Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before witnesses... that you obey this command without wavering... do good, be rich in works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate. Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.<
Live with unshakable faith. Kling to eternal life. Sure up your foundation in Christ. Be ready at all times to tell others. Obey- even when it's hard.
I went to Easter service that night at CFC. I was floored at what God was taught through the sermon...
Learn from Jesus.
In Matthew, it speaks about Jesus' last words to The Father.
After being persecuted physically, rejected by ALL, He emptied himself- He gave up His spirit to God.
How amazingly faithful God is to me. Allowing me to process yielding the last portions of myself to Him well before my time is up. Being crucified with Christ as Paul said.
It stirs in me to pray. That even in the business of my day I can be in prayer within my spirit for others.

The enemy has so many of us at bay by distracting us throughout our day. We must fight to hold tightly to true faith. Fighting each moment of everyday so that we do not have divided loyalty between God & the world.
Pray without ceasing
He hears your every word