After an interesting conversation with a girl about who God is & what He was saying to her through me, I was hit with the revelation again that I should be praying for the hastening of the Lord's return coupled with that none should perish.
This is the Father's heart.
He desires each one of us- we were each predestined to Him. It is our choice to respond rightly to that predestination.
People are being disillusioned to who God really is. There is light & dark; right & wrong; true & false. There is no gray area with God.
The Enemy is out to kill, steal, & destroy. He is out to create chaos for everyone, but even more so if you believe in Christ. He can come as the angel of light; he can deceive with what appears to be blessings; he will lie and create illusions that God is not true; he knows the scriptures & can use them & twist them.
This is happening all around us. We are just so distracted by the busyness of our day and things that he doesn't have to do much to get us off track from the Lord.
That's how it was with me.
I thought I had life planned. I was independent, smart, self-reliant. I knew what I wanted & I would figured out how to get it. Type A personality who could make things happen. I grew up Christian, was saved, went to college, joined the Army, married, no school debt, I had a plan for my life. I was in control.
I was crawling with disillusions of who God was to me & about my relationship with Him.
I knew God as my personal Lord & Savior. I knew He died for me & took my sins. I knew what was right & wrong. I was a good person, I helped people, I didn't get drunk too much, I didn't curse all the time, I asked for forgiveness for all my sins after I did them. God was my fire insurance.
I never figured it would look anything like it does now.
God is jealous for me. So when He began to tell me so & show me, my heart began to change. My eyes were opened to who He really was.
The revelation of Jesus.
It is the most beautiful thing. To know that the One sent from glory and an unspeakable inheritance from God, willingly came to earth (the ungodly wrenched place it has become) to live life pure and holy, so we would have an example of what it looks like. Knowing from day 1 that He would be rejected, beaten, spat upon, ect... ByHis own family, His own people, with the end result of being sacrificed for each person, for every sin committed, every soul - so that we might share in what He has. So that we would be able to come before the holy God and be looked upon and loved. Through Jesus' blood, He riped the physical veil to create a supernatural veil (His continuous flowing blood over us) so that our Holy Father would be able to see us- complete.
Christ defeated death for you. Christ took your sin and shame. Why hang on to it? He knows every detail of your sin. He took it upon Himself & dealt with it.
What's next? How do we live?
We live the new life. A new way of thinking, being, acting, existing. Not of the world, just in it. There is no striving for it, no act of good deed, no number of hail mary's... just believe and walk.
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