What could He want? “Yes Holy Spirit?”
I took my earplugs out to see if I was missing something.
I heard it.
Loud and clear…
The memory of laying in Jerusalem every night listening to
the same thing at the same hour came to me. I was woken an hour before the call
to pray. In Jerusalem, a mainly Jewish & Christian nation, there was a
tension in the air. Knowing the Muslims were in constant turmoil with Jews
& Christians- you could feel the angst that was created when Ramadan was
being celebrated.
In Jos, Nigeria, I did not find this same angst or
atmosphere. Jos is predominantly a Muslim nation & it is Ramadan.
During Ramadan, practicing Muslims will fast and pray all
day. Then all night they eat & celebrate. This is done for a month.
3am… I heard the call to precursor to the call to prayer…
and some celebrating music in the background. I knew what the Holy Spirit
I wasn’t sure what to pray
So I listened… prayed in the Spirit… then felt the urge to
thank God for being who He was.

I am amazed that He would ask me a year later then remind me
of a year past- to pray for a nation, to pray for a people group that He so
desperately desires to know Him. This is who He is. The Creator of all things,
having all power in His hands- yet giving man the free will to chose who his
heart will love, who his heart will follow.