I had just said bye & happy new year to several people I loved as they were driving home.

I knew this year was going to be different already- what God had in store was yet to be revealed- but I trust Him wholehearted.
I can remember earlier in the week & even that night thinking- would it be more fun somewhere else or with this person or that person?
But as I sat on the floor with my 2 favorite people, 2 very sleepy dogs, & Bible open.. I realized this was exactly where I wanted to be.
We were starting the year differently... the first minutes into 2016 was spent reading Isaiah & listening to It is well with my soul.
the presence of God was very thick & inviting- it made me very happy to be there
we sat in the silence for a few minutes... then Austin spoke up
"as the song was playing, I saw Jesus. He was dancing with the angels in heaven."
His eyes filled with tears- he could do nothing but sob... "mom, it was SO beautiful!"
all 3 of us were in tears at that point
As I looked up- I thanked God.
Thank You Lord for this moment. I would have forfeited it being anywhere else... but thank You for allowing me to see this moment in life that makes life worth living.
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