Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Albania Bound

Well- it is very short notice, but I am off again to travel the world. This time God has sent me with an amazing medical team to Albania.
You are probably wondering where that is- I know I did…. Albania is wedged in the middle of Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, & Greece… you know, right on the Mediterranean.
Hard life… I know

I am traveling with a medical team consisting of 7-8 doctors & dentists, 4 nurses, 1 dental assistant, a life coach, & a few other supporting members. We are volunteering with the Christian Medical & Dental Association , for their Albania fund. We will be teaching nursing & medical Albania students. Our focus is “How to Save a Life.”

Work has been so busy here in Lancaster that my excitement hasn’t hit with full force yet. Come Thursday evening… it will settle in!

My dear friend Cyndy is heading up the nursing team. One of my best friends, Becki, will be traveling & teaching along side me. Both of these women of God, I am very honored & privileged to serve the Lord with overseas. My heart is overwhelmed with joy at what God will present to us in this time together. I look forward to connecting with the other ladies on our team in this way & watching what God does through us & in us while we are in Albania.

I am always astonished at how God continues to call me to areas of need, not just in my own workplace & country, but also to others. I am grateful that He continues to fulfill His promise to me that He made when I was a 10 year old girl.

We will be flying out of Dulles airport on Tuesday, November 8th.
Yep… voting day! We will be arrive the next day in Tirana, Albania. From there we will meet up with the full team & Albania’s hosting us & make our way to Durres on the coast of Albania!!!!
The pictures are beautiful.

I am asking for prayer as we prep & travel. Albania is primarily an Islamic country. Please pray with us in God opportunities & conversations. The students are thrilled to have us come- so I am hopeful of much time spent getting to know the students & their stories. All to say- I know God will work through our own stories & the time we have with these precious people.
We are on a short trip this visit- we will be returning Monday, November 14th.
I will be paying the cost of the trip- so if you are interested in supporting me financially, you can send a check to me directly or you can donate at   click on donate- fill out the info- & in the comments you can put “donate towards April Leonard’s mission trip.”
If you have any questions, please ask them via email or text. I will update periodically while we are there, but a full update will be when I return.

Thank you for supporting my & the team with your prayers & also financially.