Thursday, April 24, 2014

Israel 2014

Hello beloved family & friends
The last year has been a worldwind of a journey & continues to be as God is leading me on His original plan & purpose for my life. There are no adjectives that can express how difficult yet amazing it has been. God has been  incredibly faithful to me every moment of everyday & He has poured His love on me in a way I have never known before.
Since the events of last year occurred with James' departure, I have been hard after the Lord, immersing myself in Him & what He has for me.
I remember while in college, after I got married, & while driving home from work through the corn fields one morning in Lancaster- God saying, "I have more for you..."
I began asking what that was &  have begun to live the "more" now!!! And how sweet, exciting,& hard it is, but very worth it!
I began to ask the Lord to move my heart for what moves His. So, as I began to dive deeper into what the Father's heart is for, He began to reveal things to me & open doors.
As I got more involved with City Gate (local prayer room in Lancaster), the Lord impressed upon my heart the importance of prayer. Not just- Dear Lord... thank you for this day- kind of prayers, but what He wants me to pray. What does it look like, what does it sound like, what do you want me to do & say, how do you want it to look?
As I began reading a few books on prayer & more doors began to open. With the closing of the book Break Anointing & the opening of Prayer Altars, I felt the Lord say, Its all about the prayer altars. Im going to teach you how & I want you to teach them how.
What better way to learn how to pray than in the Holy Land as His people do!
So- June 14th I will be departing the United States for TelAvive for 2 weeks.
I have been given the opportunity to participate in the Israel Project hosted by the Louisiana Messianic Communities led by Rabbi David & his wife. I will be traveling with 6-8 other people. We will be involved with the Isreal Outreach which entails working in distribution centers, home fellowships, 24/7 houses of prayer, & working with the local missionaries & believers. We will be seeking the Father's will for each day & learn the art of listening prayer on the ground in Israel. It was best explained to me as a "prayer bootcamp"!!!
And all of you know how much I love the challenge of a "bootcamp."  
I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me in this time of learning & helping others in whatever way they need. 
My request then to you, is for prayer. Knowing the work we will be doing in Israel, I am expecting resistance from the enemy. I ask that you pray for protection & guidance during this time; pray that we will hear & promptly obey the Lord in His asking; that lives are transformed by God in others through us; and that His will will be done.
If you would like to support financially, it will be gracioulsy received. You can send any contribution to me at:
April Johnson
The total cost of the trip is roughly $3000 which includes airfare, lodging, food, transportation, & entrance fees.
You can go to to check out the ministry website. 
I am so excited to see what the Lord is doing worldwide & to be apart of it!
Thank you for your support & prayers. I will keep you updated during the preparation process, before I leave, & of course when I return! I cant wait to share with you about my adventures.
Peace & blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Father God I ask for You to put a fence of protection around April and the others that will be traveling with her to Israel. I ask that You stand mighty as a protector against anything that the opposition throws at them. I ask that You bless them with ears to hear You, eyes to see what You want them to see, and hearts open to what You want them to do there. I ask for blessings, peace and joy to surround them now and throughout their time there. I ask for safety in travel and I ask for You to show Yourself in a mighty way to them and through each of them to others that You bring into their path. In Jesus name i pray, Amen
